The #ButtonToABus challenge just kicked off in a big way!
Mayor Colin Basran himself reached out to make the very first trade and to help kick-start my journey across Canada.
You’ll never believe what he traded me…
A documentation of my journey to improve my life
Monthly Archives: February - 2017
Last year I finally went all in on my life as I dedicated everything into 12 big life goals. This gave my life purpose and meaning like I’d never have before.
This year, I’m tripling down on that ideal…
Starting now I’m launching a new campaign called the #StartSmallToLiveBig Challenge. I’m going to trade a tinny “I am Canadian” button all the way up to a Bus! And then I’m going to take that bus across Canada on a journey challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone, follow my passions and experience all kinds of crazy new things.
Follow me on my journey as I attempt to scale my life.