#FitnessChallenge Day 29 #FitnessTest Round2!
We did both the Canadian Armed Forces #FitnessTest & the NFL Scouting Combine Test and we… Crushed it!!
In one month we cut our times by anywhere from 30%-75%!!
A documentation of my journey to improve my life
Yearly Archives: 2016
1 month, that’s all it takes. 1 month of lifting, sweating, pushing, pulling, falling, failing, flailing and dieting to get into the best shape of your life. I’m not saying you’ll have abs that you can grate cheese on or muscles you can pull cars with, but if you commit 100% of yourself into it for just 1 month, you can get some pretty amazing results. In this short amount of time, I’ve undergone a significant transformation and I did it...
#FitnessChallenge Day 25 the Fitness Games!
With 8 guys and one ass kicking coach (Sian Flanagan) we took on our own version of the #FitnessGames!
Tire Flips
Latter Runs
In and Outs
Scissor Lunges
25 lb Weight Lunges
Sled Pushes
Kettle Bell Deadlifts
Danger Ropes
2:00 minutes each… GO!
#TeamExhaustion #AssKickingCoach #Sweat #WhatAWorkout#MorningGrind
#FitnessChallenge Day 24 we get a lesson in #Joga from Physiotherapist/Joga instructor Vanessa Milot.
Joga is a practise of Yoga built for elite athletes (like ourselves). It’s great if you want to get a great stretch and prime yourself to kickass and some sports.
#StretchForSuccess #Joga #Yoga #RangeOfMotion #StretchingButStillSweating
#FitnessChallenge Day 21 coach Sian Flanagan pulled out all the stops.
Tire Flips
Sled Pushes
Kettle Bell Swings
Weight sprints
Stair climbs and then core… GO!
#MondayMotivation #MorningGrind #StillStanding #Sweat #KillerWorkout
w/ Michael Mazur Mazur Matt Drew Vincent David Kemp @ Mission Fitness
You collapse to the ground completely exhausted from the physical onslaught you’ve just endured. Your heart races, your chest is on fire and sweat exudes from virtually every area of your body. You are completely and utterly gassed. As you lie there trying desperately to catch your breath a unique feeling suddenly washes over you. You feel excited, you feel pumped, you feel unbeaten! You literally just pushed your body as hard and as long as you possibly could have and you’re still standing...
6am #FitnessChallenge Day 15 Plyometrics Round 2 w/ coach Lindsay Hepner
TABATA workout: 5 sets of 3 different workouts that start every minute on the minute…
#TortureTuesdays #Exhausted #SoEarly #KillerWorkout w/ Michael MazurMazur Matt & Okanagan Sun Football Club boys Michael J. Botterill Arman & Foster.